Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Day Will Come

Hi everybody,

Are you all as excited about the impending arrival of Puglypaloosa as yours truly? Every day I find myself wondering just how much longer until the blessed event. Well perhaps we can pass the time with a post or two, just to ease the tension in a refreshingly non-sexual way.

So here goes.

I'm delighted to inform that the creative juices (in today's case: north of the equator) are flowing once again, and inspiration is striking in both frequent and fortuitous fashion. This morning the lightning rod for epiphany was in the form of a segment on that bastion of nerds and bane of Republicans: National Public Radio.

The subject of discussion was Claudette Colvin, a 15-year old student who boarded a bus in Montgomery, Alabama on March 2, 1955 and refused to give up her seat to a white man. Colvin was handcuffed, arrested and forcibly removed from the bus, all while screaming that her Constitutional rights were being violated.

Now some of you are probably thinking, "Big deal; didn't Rosa Parks already make history with the very same act of defiance in the face of indigity?". But - get this - Claudette Colvin did it ALMOST NINE MONTHS TO THE DAY BEFORE Rosa Parks became a legendary civil rights pioneer, for doing the exact same thing.

Claudette Colvin was still a young girl. Rosa Parks: a distinguished and refined lady. Soon after her incident, Claudette became pregnant. Rosa Parks was clearly the more publicly presentable and therefore stronger image of unfair oppression, and so when she refused to surrender her place of rest on December 1, 1955, it was Ms. Parks who served as the catalyst for social revolution.

To her credit, Claudette Colvin understood why this had to be. And I greatly admire her for it. It was inspiring to learn of Ms. Colvin's story, and of the altruistic pragmatism in her quiet acceptance of obscurity. We should all learn and grow from this lesson of unshackling the chains of ego in favor of common good.

Perhaps I already have.

(Nice guy? In both incidents it was an intoxicated and surly Ward Cleaver who demanded their seats.)

For recently, yours truly went through a similar yet equally galvanizing experience. Little did I know at the time the significance of the events that were about to unfold.

I must admit that - while in the moment - my emotions consisted largely of rage and disillusionment. Of this, I am profoundly ashamed.

However now, having been graced with Claudette Colvin's story, I believe I possess the clarity to properly place my own ordeal within its rightful context. And so, even though I DID pitch in for the box of donuts for which an unnamed coworker received undivided adulation, I intend to go forward in life with the understanding that anonymous contribution can be it's own reward.

And if this is truly not my destiny, next time I can pick up the donuts and pee on the ones that are for the others.



darkfoam said...

i had no idea about claudette colvin. i missed out of my npr morning ritual ..

but, pug .. if you are feeling that life in unfair cause you're not getting credit for a box of donuts ..
i'll put your name on the fundraising donuts i'm getting on thursday ..
you can have all the credit as long as i get to eat all of them.

puerileuwaite said...

Wow, when you put it THAT way, it sort of comes across as petty. I look forward to future history books serving as a kinder judge.

boneman said...

ward cleaver? or hugh beaumont?

Dang! I've painted a b'zillion pictures of Beaumont Island (in Lake Wabana in Minnesota. I never had any isea that his history was that surly.

Now, as for the donuts?
Maybe we better just leave others to get them, hmmm?
If I get them, I'll make sure you get the second donut, no questions asked.
(Gni Gni gets the first one)

Anonymous said...

used to
drive a classic
67 chevy beaumont years ago,
crusing with wally, looking for beaver

ward and june were cool


Little Lamb said...

I had no idea you pitched in for donuts. Good for you! Where's mine?

Anonymous said...

I would like to maintain my anonimity and thereby contribute to this post's perspicuous postulations.

Sassy Blondie said...

True heroes/heroines don't do it for the recognition. They do it because it's the right thing to do.

The above statement could refer to Ms. Colvin or your deeply affecting donut story.

However will I choose?

puerileuwaite said...

Boneman - It's always the ones you least suspect.

I formally accept the terms of your donut treaty; provided that we carve up Bismarcks equally, and sign a Kaiser roll non-aggression pact that cannot be violated until June.


/t. - I never thought to bring a Wally along. Damn, maybe that would've trapped me more beaver. Though I did have the hots for June. I always look better in summer months.


Lamby - Love the new icon. Is that Lamb Chop?

That's because I don't like to brag. Good deeds are often imperceptible to others. YOUR donuts I hope to one day deliver directly.


Anonymous - Whoa! Easy on the big words, fella!


Sassy - Exactly. And in this case, the right thing to do would be to give me credit for my percentage of the purchase; perhaps in the form of a standing ovation.

And let's face it. ANYONE can refuse to give up their seat on a bus. I do that ALL the time. WHY should I be discriminated against for being young and healthy? Jeez.

Serena said...

I wasn't familiar with the Claudette Colvin story, so thanks for the heads up. But now, I happen to love donuts so please don't pee on them because you never know when I'll be grabbing one. If you promise to behave, I'll get a stick-on plaque with your name on it and stick it on every box of donuts. Deal?

Anonymous said...

Ungrateful bastards....may they choke on the powdered sugar so you may have justice!

Little Lamb said...

No, this isn't Lamb Chop. Maybe this could be her sister, I don't know. Thanks for the compliment.

boneman said...

Well, Pugster, we both lose.
Even as I was putting away chow from the store, keeping the donuts in a (supposedly) safe postion, and seeing the mailgirl arrive....I dash outside, mayhaps to speak to her, as she is single and quite pretty....
Only, when I return, where are the donuts?
I look in the livingroom where Tug takes loot, but he sleeps heavily and doesn't even know I went outside.
I dash upstairs where the Maxwell takes loot, but, he also is sleeping (after a four hour romp around the outside the night before) and I then dash to the back porch....and there she is, sitting quietly, if watching a movie or something.
There is so much stuff piled in front of the people door, I try to climb out the dog door.
I'm fairly large...I get about halfway out and holler at her,
"STOP!" hoping against hope that she'll pause long enough fopr me to fetch out at least


I climb out, she slides into the house, I stand with the empty box in my hands...
sob sob

(oh, what the's my favorite dog, anyway.)

(and now? She's really sweet.)

leelee said...

I'm sure you won't be surprised that I heard that NPR story on Miss Colvin, and was moved as Sassy says: True heroes/heroines don't do it for the recognition. They do it because it's the right thing to do.



dianne said...

Lol at /t.

Puggles my sweet, I'm so proud of you for not seeking recognition for pitching in for the donuts...but just what was your galvanising ordeal?
You have got me so hungry now I would like a donut or two with chocolate icing and sprinkles...but please no pee. ♥

dianne said...

And once again my love I congratulate you on your command of the English/American language, it is always a pleasure to read your most entertaining and articulate writing.♡

cathy said...

Hello. Your talk about pissing on doughnuts made me think of toilet seats and the way my husband always misses the hole...maybe I wasn't thinking of toilet seats. Do they make hairy doughnuts?
Maybe I should go back to not blogging if this comment is anything to go by.

sparringK9 said...

boy am i relieved. i was worried you were going to talk about what you might do to FILLED donuts.

Sassy Blondie said...

Okay..when's our day coming? I mean, seriously, when??

Scary Monster said...

Nice history lesson. Now when do the party be starting???


puerileuwaite said...

Serena - I wouldn't want you to go through any trouble.

(p.s. - Would the plaques be tastefully done, with custom engraving and mounted onto exotic woods?)


Girlgoyle - I dunno. That seems a bit harsh. So let's agree on no choking, but instead have each one of them experience severe abdominal discomfort for hours on end.


Lamby - Well, whoever she is, I like her "come hither eyes" and high cheekbones. So I shall allow my desire to be my Shepherd.


Boneman - I don't know what the big deal is; after all, it's JUST a few donuts. And I'm assuming your dog is at least as treasured as my coworkers.


Leelee - They do? This completely shifts my paradigm. I need some time to think and reflect ...


Dianne - The galvanizing part was getting nailed for unattributed donuts. Maybe donut injustice swirls in the opposite direction in the land down under, and that is why you seem to have a "no worries" outlook.

And thank you for the kind words, M'Lady. I read a LOT of ads on Craigslist* (* a "Community Garage Sale" of sorts); and this exposure to the works and lifestyles of many others, has helped to hone my mad skillz.


Cathy - Well Lady, I'm not one to give advice. But in your case, I'm wondering if the hubby has a secret preference for Long Johns and Twists.

Not me. It has to be sweet and provide a publicly acceptable* (* at least here in America) opening.

In fact, you would absolutely love the distinctive way I carefully enter a room holding a dozen doughnuts WITHOUT the use of paws.


K9 - This is why - per that Jewel tune - you truly were "meant for me". For only you can take my evil and kick it up a notch.

Plus you always think outside the box, while I seem to do the opposite.

Case in point: I was avoiding the filled donuts because I assumed they had already been visited by a suitor.


Sassy - Who cares about the day? Let it find it's own action. We have each other's satisfaction to consider and neglect.


Scary - It's a party whenever you show up, old friend. But as for "Puglypaloosa", I'm thinking the grass has to green up to match your outfit.


Serena said...

Oh, you got it, Pugsley. Teak, ebony, rosewood -- whatever your little puppy heart desires. It's no trouble, not when I consider what's at stake. Anything to ensure dry, pristine donuts.:)

dianne said...

Just popped over to say Hi and check on you my sweet,you have been awful quiet of late, hope youre OK. ♡

puerileuwaite said...

Serena - Okay then. Dry they shall be. Pristine is another matter entirely.


Dianne - I'm just dandy(but in a masculine way, of course). Just been busy as heck. Hope to post and make the rounds to see all of my friends real soon. XO

Helene said...

" Dogs have style, swagger and more than a touch of indignant anger."

I like Dogs!

ANNA-LYS said...

This is not a Scandinavian story is it? I can't recall the people and situations You are talking about.

how are You, Pug?


puerileuwaite said...

Anna-Lys - Funny you should mention it, as my "original" version substituted Scandinavian blondes in bikinis as the women who took a stand by remaining seated. And then went one defying step further, by reclining to fully prone positions.

I felt this would make it more "European" in flavor and therefore more internationally "accessible".

But my editor, "Black Bart" - for some prejudiced reason - ruled against the change.

puerileuwaite said...

(and I'm great ... now that YOU are back, my little Viking vixen)

darkfoam said...

"inspiration is striking in both frequent and fortuitous fashion" ..

ohhhhhhhhhhhh, now i get it ...
that was a joke ..

hahaha ..

(never mind me .. i couldn't help myself. :) i know you're busy.)

ANNA-LYS said...

You are such a lovely
figure my dear Pug


puerileuwaite said...

Foam - Actually I DID mean it. However you are correct: my current "lifestyle"* (* or - to be more accurate - lack thereof) continues to effectively prevent the transfer of inspiration to blog.

I DO have my new post in mind, which I am planning to get out later this week. Thanks for your loyalty and patience!


Anna Lys - Aw shucks. If only you knew how difficult it is to make this Pug visibly blush! But now you've done it. Thanks!

NYD said...

Are we waiting for fourth of july weekend to get things started???

ANNA-LYS said...

You put a smile on my face.
Thank You, Pug!!!


boneman said...

You'll never guess in seven million years what I found, today!

(of course, that's only one million people years...but, they'll catch up eventually.)
(you know...reincarnation)

puerileuwaite said...

NYD - Geez, I sure hope not. I'm hoping the warm weather that is sure to come will both energize and foster the illusion of more time to finally kick off the extravaganza.


Anna-Lys - Thank YOU, gorgeous. It's good to have you back.


Boneman - Thanks, buddy. I love that video, and plan on incorporating it into my sidebar.

cathy said...

Pug! Filled doughnuts will forever remind me of you now. LMAO.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Sorry I haven't been by to share in your wisdom.

Pee only on Dunkin Donuts when they are one day old.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Homer Simpson wants to be buried with a donut marking his grave. Do you two share common characteristics?

I shall return to comment on the earlier part of your post.

Can't believe you don't follow my blog, considering that you and I both post so frequently. But I won't take it personally.

sparringK9 said...

happy easter. if your tail werent curled, you might could be the easter bunny. but it wasnt meant to be.

Sassy Blondie said...

Where are you, Pugsley?? I DEMAND satisfaction here! (otherwise known as something new and clever to read xoxo)

puerileuwaite said...

Cathy -

Great. My plan is complete. Next, we shall move onto other food items. Perhaps you and I can collaborate on our own "Nutrition Pyramid" scheme.


Enemy - Where shall I ever locate a day-old Dunkin Donut? Those suckers are made months in advance!

Alas, the only thing Homer and I share in common is our insatiable lust for Marge (or in my case, ANY lady with tall blue hair).

Thy will be done: I am now a card-carrying member of the Enemy cult. (Finding the appropriate section in your sidebar, amidst all of the other crap, wasn't the easiest task for yours truly.)


K9 - Tell that to Hugh Hefner. He won't stop calling. And don't try to blame it on senility, 'cuz I look pretty damned cute in a bunny outfit.


Sassy - Trying to earn an honest living, of course! Who knew it could be so time-consuming? But if it ultimately means a glamorous life of RV-living for you and I, then perhaps it may be worth it.

However I must protest at your putting me on the spot. I'm much better at delivering satisfaction when it isn't expected (or desired, for that matter).

But since you have thrown down the gauntlet, let me see what new crap I can post (with no promises on the "clever" part of the demand). XOXO

dianne said...

Thank you for the Easter wishes; my Easter message was for all of my friends but since you are so sweet I came over here to give you a personal wish. ♡

It was a lovely story about the little boy and the puppy, I'm so pleased you liked it; we all need someone who cares. ♡

Happy Easter my sweet. ♡

puerileuwaite said...

Dianne - Thank you for acknowledging my sweetness; and through your personal visit: clearly implying that I am sweeter than all of the others. Happy Easter! xoxo

darkfoam said...

oh you poor delusional pug ..
clearly i'm the sweetest ..
of course, i'm not delusional whatsoever myself.

puerileuwaite said...

Foam - Well if YOU'RE sweet, then I'm bitter. That makes you the yin to my yang.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Did you just insult my sidebar? I conveniently put the followers gadget up high--other people found it with ease, oh wait, you are Pug. My apologies.

I reread this post in the hope to glean more information so that I could comment with a degree of intelligence. But nothing happened. My fault or yours?

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