Saturday, December 13, 2014

Puglypaloosa Is Officially Open For Business

A Message from our Chairpug and CFO:

Greetings readers, investors and litigants!

Due to a recent court injunction, I am pleased to announce that Puglypaloosa is now officially reopened. It will take more than allegations of: "fraudulent business practices", "sexual misconduct", "discrimination", "OSHA non-compliance", "safety concerns", "health code violations" and "inability to meet minimum community and decency standards" to permanently shut us down. These colors (fawn and black) do not run (and not only because of shortness of breath). So enjoy the blog and treat it the way you might treat any amusement park.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Black Bart



Little Lamb said...

Black Bart! I've been warned about you! I've been told to stay away from you! Don't tell Puggy about what we did, ok? He'll be very upset. It'll be our little secret. ok? Promise?

dianne said...

Hi Black Bart, it is good to see that Puglypaloosa is open for business.
When will dear Pugsly return and where have you both been?
xoxoxo ♡

puerileuwaite said...

Lamby, please tell me that you're not another toothmark in Black Bart's bedpost.

puerileuwaite said...

Thank you Dianne. Me too! Why oh why aren't standards and regulations as relaxed here as they are down under? I even have to make sure the facilities flush in the proper direction!

Serena said...

Wishing you a belated Happy New Year. I'm SO happy to see you back in action! I've been away from blogging for a long time but I'm coming back to it very soon.

darkfoam said...

Good morning, Black Bart..
It was a bit of a surprise to notice a new post, even if I am waay late in noticing it. it's good to see at least one of you back though. I'm wondering, is this just a tease?

boneman said...

quite the dapper photo for running for President.

leelee said...

Hi there!!

cyberhostage said...

Hello back!

Anonymous said...
