Hello, it's me -
I thought I would go with that greeting for variety, and also because I love that song by Todd Rundgren. "It's important to me, that you know you are free." For the longest time, I hadn't a clue as to what he meant. Now I do. It's an oblique and therefore classy way to get rid of someone, while convincing them that it's really their idea. Brilliant!
Well, the writer's block continues, hence the unimaginative title. Fortunately, though, it may have dawned on me WHY I have been in this funk. The torture weasels running this place have been forcing me to spend time thinking about work-related matters, thus depleting my natural reserves of witty introspection.
Also, vendors have been calling to vie for my attention, without offering any swag of note as fair compensation for feigning interest in whatever they sell. One guy had the absolute goofiest title for his software product. Whoever came up with that doozy should be calling Betty Ford to see if the extended stay suite is available.
How can I let him know, without actually saying it, that - for this week, not every one - I just want to be left alone to blog and generate carbon dioxide for local plant life? But these vendor dimwits are totally inept in the fine art of interpreting subtle hints.
In good times, I probably would've considered a pity purchase. But these aren't, so I see the sales guy quickly (and involuntarily) moving on to the next phase of his "21st century Willy Loman*" (* from "Death of a Salesman", I threw this in as a homework assignment so that you could Google SOMETHING other than your own damned names for once) career progression as a telemarketer. He will, of course, then make a point of calling me once again with yet another exciting new offer, continuing the circle of jerkiness.
Another culprit that may be contributing to my blockage are the phrases that have become lodged sideways into my already misshapen brain, interfering with those few precious neurons that carry sane and practical thoughts. Phrases such as "frame of reference", "if I frame it this way", and "cheeky bounder".
"Cheeky Bounder" in particular has been driving my up the wall. It sounds cute, like "wanker", but probably is equally insulting. I even got off of my lazy ass (well, technically I didn't, but I was too lazy just now to come up with a more accurate phrase that would properly illustrate the pain that the gesture caused) to actually Google it. I received 881 hits, but the first 10 were articles that would force me to read more than two sentences, so no thanks. I'll make this YOUR homework assignment, instead. Yet another opportunity to remind me that you know more than I do.
"Frame of reference" and "framing" concepts in general are phrases that my boss likes to sprinkle liberally throughout conversations. For instance, a typical comment of his would be: "Well, it's really not so major of a setback if you "frame" it this way ... (then he describes the way that it could be alternatively framed). I can only sit there and fantasize about a scenario where he is convicted of a homicide, and shortly thereafter I visit him in prison and console him, agreeing that yes, indeed he was framed.
It makes me wonder what phrases people use in your daily lives that drive you nuts. Let's compare and contrast, shall we?
Gloom, Interrupted
1 year ago
Phrase that drive me nuts...
"I could care less"- when he/she means "I COULDN"T care less"
FM, perhaps it because they could care less about how they say it.
I'm going to do my best today to validate this phrase through serious reflection on those things I could (and possibly should) care less about.
I need to shed some concerns as I head into my weekend ;-)
Jmeped, you should do a post on it. The south should give you enough material for a book, if you're so inclined.
Well, I'd like to comment further, but I'm fixin' to go back to work ;-)
Oh, jmeped, you don't even want to go there. Interpersonal manners are a MAJOR pet peave.
What's even worse is when they respond "ungh-ugh". They may as well be saying "f*ck you". If I were the Incredible Hulk, this alone would turn me green and angry. And after coming to, they would find themselves on the other side of the wall, peering back at me through the newly created "shortcut".
This is yet another good post topic. Damn, woman, you're good!
Thanks! (Please don't respond with "No problem"; it would crush me.)
I do pride myself as being somewhat of a "Renaissance Man".
(picture me looking up and slight off to the left with a pensive look at the distant horizon while rubbing my knuckles against my chest).
I TRY not to be a TOTAL oaf. To hell with being a "man's man", I want to be a "woman's man" (unless of course we're role playing as part of fantasy night).
Jmeped, I am putty in your hands (and yes, I DO know that I'm opening myself up to at least one joke here). You can pretty much mold me into anything you want. When a woman says anything better than "just make it quick, and clean up after yourself", I am more than happy to cooperate with any twisted ideas that she may have.
You had me at "wake me". I am a sucker for sexy pillow talk!
No, that one doesn't do it for me. I'm jaded on that one, as I've heard it way too often. And yes, I'm sure that you have an entire arsenal of cruel come-ons. The Clown has trained you well, grasshopper.
I hate it when girls say "Please stop, you're hurting me!" I'm so sick of hearing that nomenclature, I could scream.
Excellent use of nomenclature in a sentence, mighty d. Ethan would be beaming with pride.
No problem, little ladies.
See you Monday, jmeped.
GG, I hope everything is okay. If you want me to rough somebody up, just say the word.
"I could give a fuck."
It actually means, you don't give a fuck."
And how much does a fuck give?
Wow, ladies! I can tell that the weekend is almost at hand for you two. I don't know if I should envy the men that cross your paths tonight and tomorrow, or if I should pity them. Perhaps both!
I'm actually in a really good mood.
I am eagerly anticipating leaving work and replacing the keyboard with a vodka cranberry.
I love good vodka. Grey Goose is my brand, when I do drink it. I don't - much - during the summer (which SHOULD be the best time for it), because it makes me tired.
So during the summer I am a whiskey drinker. Current favorite? Knob Creek (you know, for "knobs" like me). Gooood stuff!
Drink a toast to me, tonight, would ya?
I thought you were the boss.
PJ, well if I were in charge, than I'd make sure I was the boss. Read that back to me. Wait, that sounded like shit. Damn you, writer's block!
mmm, I drank for you, me, and all the trees on Friday night. I started around 3, finished around 3.
Hmmm, well, when I word it like that no wonder I was, "all of a sudden drunk."
Ah, Party Girl, those were the days ... I remember them well. Now that I think about it, actually I don't remember them at all. And it is probably a good thing that I don't.
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